More PROOF that TikTok is censoring conservatives
They will probably ban me for this article, oh well!
So recently my quickly growing TikTok account @oldrowswig was hit with a WAVE of reported posts after I had a video go viral wearing a MAGA hat:
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The video is almost at 2.7MM views and garnered over 7,000 mostly positive comments. This clearly pissed off some anonymous leftists, who participated in a mass reporting campaign on my account. How do I know this? Well a few days after going viral, I had 5 videos get taken down going back to JANUARY. (Previously the viral video of me in a MAGA hat was briefly taken down and restored the first day I posted it). This lead to a new warning I had never seen before (which is still attached to my account over a month later.)
I used the built in appeal tool to appeal all of them and 3 were immediately restored.
The Account Warning remained however, and 2 of the appeals were denied.
I was baffled by this, because neither one of these videos seemed like they violated any sort of community guidelines to me, let alone HATEFUL IDEOLOGY. One of the videos was Jordan Peterson discussing the Russia/Ukraine situation on Piers Morgan Uncensored, and I thought it was an interesting discussion/debate from 2 different perspectives. As you can see from the title, I didn’t take a side in this debate and only posted it with topic hashtags. How is this being hateful?
The other video was a MEME of Tucker Carlson making fun of M&M’s recent marketing strategy regarding their M&M characters choice of footwear. Its clearly not serious and not sure who would ever get offended by such a clip. Both of these video’s originated on NETWORK SHOWS, so if they were sensible enough to air there, why is it forbidden content on a Big Social platform? Watch the videos and decide for yourself!
It gets better though: Because I know quite a few people in the social media industry, I was able to get a contact email for someone who actually works at TikTok and got a response!
I get the bad news that they manually review and uphold the ridiculous censor decision. Then something funny happens, a higher up replies to the wrong thread, doxxes herself (I was a gentleman and removed her email and cell #) and it reveals a bit about their decision to censor me:
Also, the verification and custom stream key, both of which I should be eligible for, were denied.
I am still a big advocate for conservatives to utilize mainstream platforms in addition to using alt-tech like Truth Social and GETTR, but this is what we are dealing with.
Imagine what hundreds of thousands of conservatives without the following I have deal with in a systematic way. I hope this sheds some light on the unfair treatment we receive for our ideas, and encourage others to keep it up despite the ever increasing censor rules we must navigate to have our ideas in the mix.
I forgot to mention, the 2 strikes they upheld were the ONLY strikes that have ever been upheld on my account. I still have the warning screen every time I log in a month later, so I feel like it is only a matter of time before I am deplatformed for being a conservative, just like I was on Twitter in 2020.
If you want to follow me, my socials are as follows: